Sharing Google Documents with those outside of Belen

Sharing Google Documents with Those Outside of Belen

If you are posting a Google document, spreadsheet, slides presentation, or a PDF that was created from one of these documents to Haiku, then you will need to change the sharing settings so that others can view it.

  1. Open Google Drive and find the document that you would like to post to Haiku.
  2. Right click on the document to bring up the menu and select “Share”.
  3. When the dialogue box appears, click on “Advanced” at the bottom right corner.
  4. When the “Sharing Settings” dialogue box appears, look at the list of who has access and click on “Change” next to where it says “Private…”.  
  5. The “Link sharing” dialogue box will appear and there will be five options with a brief description under each.  In order to allow those who do not have a Belen Jesuit email address to access your document, choose “On-Anyone with the link”.  This will allow parents to view a document.

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