Set Pages to Open Automatically When Launching Google Chrome

Set Pages to Open Automatically When Launching Google Chrome

If you would like Google Chrome to automatically and simultaneously open multiple web pages (like your Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, and the Belen home page) when you launch the web browser, follow the directions below.  Having Google Chrome open multiple tabs at once saves you time (especially valuable class time).

  1. Open each web page (on its own tab) that you would like Google to automatically launch on startup.
  2. Click on the three horizontal red bars at the top right of the Google Chrome browser.
  3. Click on “settings.”
  4. Under the title “On Startup”, click on “Open a specific page or set of pages.”
  5. Click on “Set pages” (in blue).
  6. When the new dialogue box opens, click on “Use current pages” at the bottom right.
  7. Click “ok.”
  8. Now, every time you launch Google Chrome, those web pages will each open in their own tab. 

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